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The purpose of this workshop is to provide a trauma-informed framework for improving basic communication and interactions, as well as therapeutic approaches and relationships with traumatized populations in our care. We know now that psychological and/or physical trauma, often quite related, are an injury to our mind and body, our thinking and emotions, our cognitive and physical state. And yet by improving our understanding of traumatic symptoms and sensitivities, we can improve therapeutic relationships and outcomes, by truly demonstrating and conveying our real desire and intention, and our ability, to help. I believe that we all come to this work to provide quality care and assistance to those who need us, but it is essential to continue to focus on emotional intelligence, as well as how our own influences, mood or stress-level may impact professional interactions, both with our consumers as well as members of our own teams. Sometimes it just involves some good old-fashioned common sense, but it’s also important to look at what evidence has demonstrated will improve the way we interact w/ one-another. The way we look, sound, our tone and volume, many verbal and non-verbal factors come into play, not to mention the words we choose and the way we structure our sentences. Positive communication does not always come as natural and instinctive, as many negative ‘norms’ and practices continue to be handed down from generation to generation, causing some likely influence upon us all. And positive communication does not mean that all matters discussed are positive or pleasant, of course! No, positive communication is most important and beneficial, when matters are more serious or even urgent, and the greater the crisis, then greater is the need for our most professional, calm, compassionate, and rational responses.

Trauma Informed Communication

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